SM Monitor Controller Plugin
This software helps you make better decisions by removing the loudness bias when you compare sounds.
Early Access is currently closed.
A monitor controller is the central part of any mastering setup. We use it all the time when comparing the master to the original mix while mastering. We also use it for listening to the sum and difference signals, among other things.
The SM Monitor Controller was originally developed in our mastering studio. For many years, we used it alongside a traditional hardware tool. With clients in the studio, the hardware option was often more practical—allowing for quick A/B comparisons with the press of a button, no need to fiddle with the computer. But over time, we noticed just how superior this plugin was. By 2017, we had fully transitioned to the plugin in our workflow.
We’ve experienced firsthand the transformative power of removing loudness bias with automatic loudness matching, rather than less precise manual loudness matching. Loudness bias can make tasks like EQing and evaluating transients or artifacts much more challenging. By eliminating this bias, the entire mastering workflow becomes clearer and more manageable.
While it’s not perfect (understanding nuances like global vs. local loudness matching is essential), it’s the best tool we’ve encountered for truly hearing what you’re doing. It also closes the feedback loop necessary to refine your listening skills over time.
If your setup doesn’t include loudness matching and you’re mastering audio, this tool is a no-brainer. Even if you’re working in a more traditional mastering environment with hardware, we recommend giving it a try—it might just surprise you.
The plugin is currently being developed and we plan to release it in 2025. The macOS/Reaper version is already finished, with only minor tweaks in the GUI ahead.
The Windows version is also finished but the installer is not yet signed (we’re working on that during the Early Access period). This means that an additional warning will be shown before installing and that some anti virus software may show a false-positive warning. The macOS installer is signed and notarized.
The rest of the early access period will be dedicated to getting everything working properly in more DAWs.
January 12, 2025: Early Access closed.
December 28, 2024: Releasing v0.1.0 and inviting to a more public Early Access.
December 23, 2024: v0.0.5 is sent out to the test group. The plugin is now finished for macOS / Reaper. The rest of Early Access will be about minor tweaks. We are opening up for a few more places in Early Access, cost $149. The Windows version is unsigned at the moment. We do have windows users in the test group.
November 18, 2024: v0.0.4 is sent out, with an improved safe mode for the automatic loudness matching.
October 3, 2024: v0.0.3 is sent out, with the new safe mode for the automatic loudness matching. The safe mode helps avoid the situations described in the manual, under the “Important” section. The manual will be updated later.
September 3, 2024: Preparing v0.0.2 to be sent out. Meters and readouts fixed. Windows version remains to be signed.
August 29, 2024: The next update will be fixing the meters and readouts and also tweaking the routing instructions in the manual. The windows version is still unsigned, hopefully we can get that sorted as well.
August 28, 2024: Everything around Apple’s signing and notarization is sorted out, and the macOS version (v0.0.1) is sent out to the first test group. There is also an early version of the manual available.
August 27, 2024: We have now sent out the first version (v0.0.1) to the Windows users in the test group! The macOS version will also be ready soon.
August 19, 2024: We’re now switching over from the Reaper prototype to the new VST3 version in our own setups here at Stockholm Mastering. A few tweaks left and then the plugin will go out to the first test group.
August 5, 2024: Setting up a status page for the early participants. Sending out the first emails to the first group. Being excited that this is finally happening 🙂